新世紀出版社 買書
改革歷程 趙紫陽 錄音片段 (四)
"Prisoner of the State" Zhao Ziyang Audio Excerpt 4
Part 3: The Roots of China’s Economic Boom
Chapter 4: Finding a New Approach

也許有人會問,你過去在地方工作,怎麽對經濟改革發生興趣?我認爲中國經濟必須改革,雖然那時我也看過一些東歐經濟改革的書,但出發點不是爲了改革而改革,主要的是我認爲中國的經濟弊端太多,人民付出的代價太大,效益太差。但弊端的根本在哪里,開始也不是很清楚。總的想法就是要提高效益。來北京後,我對經濟工作的指導思想,明確地不是爲了追求産值多少,也不是要把經濟發展搞得多快,就是要在中國找到一個如何解决人們付出了勞動,而能得到相應的實惠的辦法,這就是我的出發點。資本主義發達國家經濟增長 2-3% 就不得了了,而我們經常增長 10% ,但人民生活沒有得到改善。至于怎樣找到一條路子,我當時觀念裏沒有什麽模式,沒有系統的主張。我就是希望經濟效益好,有這一條很重要。出發點就是經濟效益好,人民得到實惠。爲了這個目的,摸索來,摸索去,最後就找到了適合我們的辦法,逐漸走出了一條路。

The reason I had such a deep interest in economic reform and devoted myself to finding ways to undertake this reform was that I was determined to eradicate the malady of China’s economic system at its roots. Without an understanding of the deficiencies of China’s economic system, I could not possibly have had such a strong urge for reform.

Of course, my earliest understanding of how to proceed with reform was shallow and vague. Many of the approaches that I proposed could only ease the symptoms; they could not tackle the fundamental problems.

The most profound realization I had about eradicating deficiencies in China’s economy was that the system had to be transformed into a market economy, and that the problem of property rights had to be resolved. That was arrived at through practical experience, only after a long series of back-and-forths.

But what was the fundamental problem? In the beginning, it wasn’t clear to me. My general sense was only that efficiency had to be improved. After I came to Beijing, my guiding principle on economic policy was not the single-minded pursuit of production figures, nor the pace of economic development, but rather finding a way for the Chinese people to receive concrete returns on their labor. That was my starting point. Growth rates of 2 to 3 percent would have been considered fantastic for advanced capitalist nations, but while our economy grew at a rate of 10 percent, our people’s living standards had not improved.

As for how to define this new path, I did not have any preconceived model or a systematic idea in mind. I started with only the desire to improve economic efficiency. This conviction was very important. The starting point was higher efficiency, and people seeing practical gains. Having this as a goal, a suitable way was eventually found, after much searching. Gradually, we created the right path.

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